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stun: Make a STUN request and specify the source port.
$ stun ${stun-1und1-de} -p ${4302}
try on your machine

This command appears to be using the "stun" utility or command-line tool to connect to a STUN server with a specific hostname and port number.

Let's break down the different parts:

  1. stun: This is a command or utility that allows communication with STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) servers. STUN helps in establishing network connections and identifying NAT (Network Address Translation) configurations.

  2. ${stun-1und1-de}: This is a variable containing the hostname or address of the STUN server. It seems to reference a specific STUN server called "". The braces and the syntax "${variable-name}" indicate that the value is being retrieved from a variable. If the variable is not defined or has no value, it will fall back to "1und1-de".

  3. -p: This option is used to specify the port number that will be used when connecting to the STUN server.

  4. ${4302}: Similar to the previous part, this is a variable that contains the port number to connect to. In this case, it seems to reference the port number 4302. Again, if the variable is not defined or lacks a value, it will default to 4302.

Overall, this command is executing the "stun" utility, connecting to the STUN server specified in the variables, using the given or default port number.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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