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subliminal: Download English subtitles for a video.
$ subliminal download -l ${en} ${video-ext}
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The given command is related to using a tool called "subliminal" to facilitate the download of subititles for a video file. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "subliminal": It is the name of the tool or program being used.
  • "download": This is a command or operation within the subliminal tool that is used to download subtitles.
  • "-l ${en}": This is an option flag used to specify the language of the subtitles to be downloaded. In this case, "${en}" likely represents the language code for English. It instructs subliminal to download English subtitles.
  • "${video-ext}": This is a placeholder that represents the file extension of the video file. It is used to specify the video file for which subtitles should be downloaded.

Overall, the command instructs the subliminal tool to download English subtitles for a video file specified by its file extension.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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