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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool subliminal. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Subliminal is a command-line tool used for subtitle downloading and synchronization. It is primarily designed to automate the process of finding and downloading subtitles for TV shows and movies. It supports a wide range of subtitle languages and can download subtitles from various popular subtitle providers. Subliminal uses a combination of video and audio fingerprinting algorithms to identify the correct subtitles for a particular video file. It can scan a directory or a specific video file to detect missing subtitles and automatically download and sync them. The tool also supports bulk operations, allowing users to scan and download subtitles for multiple video files at once. Subliminal has a highly customizable search algorithm that can prioritize subtitle providers, filter by language, and adjust search behavior. It integrates well with media center applications like Plex and Kodi, making it easy to automate subtitle fetching for media libraries. Subliminal is written in Python and is open-source, allowing contributions from the community. Overall, it is a handy and efficient command-line tool for automating subtitle management and ensuring a seamless viewing experience.

List of commands for subliminal:

  • subliminal:tldr:233ad subliminal: Download English subtitles for a video.
    $ subliminal download -l ${en} ${video-ext}
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