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svgo: Optimize a file and print out the result.
$ svgo ${test-svg} -o -
try on your machine

The command you provided appears to use the svgo tool with some arguments. Here's the breakdown of each part:

  1. svgo: This is the command for running the svgo tool. svgo is a popular Node.js-based command-line tool used for optimizing SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files.

  2. ${test-svg}: This seems to be a placeholder for the path or filename of the SVG file you want to optimize. The ${test-svg} syntax suggests that it's referencing a variable named test-svg. That variable should be replaced with the actual path or filename of your SVG file in order for the command to work properly.

  3. -o: This is an option flag that specifies the output mode for svgo. In this case, -o indicates that the optimized output should be written back to the same file, overwriting the original SVG file.

  4. -: This hyphen (-) after the -o option specifies that the output file should be written to the standard output (console) instead of a specific file. This is useful if you want to see the optimized SVG content directly in the command-line interface.

Overall, the command is likely intended to optimize an SVG file using svgo and either write the optimized version back to the original file or display it in the command-line console. But since the ${test-svg} placeholder needs to be replaced with the actual path or filename, the command as provided is not executable in its current form.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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