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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool svgo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SVGO, which stands for SVG Optimizer, is a powerful command line tool used to optimize SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files. It is written in JavaScript and works on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

With SVGO, you can optimize SVG files by removing unnecessary or redundant code, reducing file size without compromising the image quality. It achieves this by applying various optimization techniques, such as removing default values, simplifying shapes, and consolidating styles and attributes.

SVGO supports a wide range of customizable optimization options, allowing you to fine-tune the optimization process to suit your specific needs. You can configure settings for precision, indentation, and various optimization plugins that target different aspects of the SVG file.

In addition to the command line interface, SVGO also provides an extensive JavaScript API, enabling you to integrate its optimization capabilities into your own projects or workflows. This makes it an excellent choice for automating SVG optimization in deployment pipelines or build processes.

The tool supports multiple optimization levels, ranging from basic to advanced, where higher levels may result in more aggressive optimization but also carry a greater risk of modifying the visual appearance of the SVG file.

SVGO is actively maintained and open-source, benefiting from the contributions of a vibrant developer community. It regularly receives updates and bug fixes to ensure compatibility with modern SVG specifications and maintain its optimal performance.

As a command line tool, SVGO is designed to be easy to use with clear documentation and well-defined command syntax. Its simplicity and efficiency make it an essential tool for anyone working with SVG files, ensuring optimized and well-structured vector graphics for web and other applications.

The tool provides statistics after each optimization run, indicating the reduction in file size, number of removed elements, and overall optimization progress. This feedback allows users to track the impact of different optimization settings and make informed decisions to achieve their desired results.

With the ability to process single files or entire directories of SVG files, SVGO is an efficient solution for batch optimization tasks, enabling you to optimize a large number of files simultaneously with just a few commands.

Overall, SVGO is a versatile and powerful command line tool for optimizing SVG files, providing a robust set of features and customization options to ensure efficient SVG optimization for various purposes and workflows.

List of commands for svgo:

  • svgo:tldr:35ddb svgo: Optimize all SVG files within a directory (overwrites the original files).
    $ svgo -f ${path-to-directory-with-svg-files}
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  • svgo:tldr:45d0a svgo: Optimize a file and print out the result.
    $ svgo ${test-svg} -o -
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  • svgo:tldr:4c40b svgo: Show available plugins.
    $ svgo --show-plugins
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  • svgo:tldr:515fd svgo: Optimize all SVG files within a directory and save the resulting files to another directory.
    $ svgo -f ${path-to-input-directory} -o ${path-to-output-directory}
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  • svgo:tldr:89f8c svgo: Optimize a file and save the result to another file.
    $ svgo ${test-svg} -o ${test-min-svg}
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  • svgo:tldr:96d22 svgo: Optimize a file using the default plugins (overwrites the original file).
    $ svgo ${test-svg}
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tool overview