The command "svgo --show-plugins" is used to display a list of available plugins in SVGO (Scalable Vector Graphics Optimizer). SVGO is a tool used for optimizing SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files by removing unnecessary information, reducing file size, and improving performance.
When you run the "svgo --show-plugins" command, it shows a list of plugins that you can use with SVGO. Plugins in SVGO are small modules that provide additional optimization capabilities. Each plugin focuses on a specific optimization technique or behavior.
By using plugins, you can customize the SVGO optimization process according to your specific requirements. You can enable or disable plugins, configure their settings, or even create your own plugins to further enhance the optimization process for your SVG files.
The "svgo --show-plugins" command helps you get an overview of the available plugins, their names, and their brief descriptions. This way, you can better understand which plugins might be useful for your SVG optimization needs and how they can be used in combination to achieve desired results.