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svgo: Optimize a file using the default plugins (overwrites the original file).
$ svgo ${test-svg}
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The command svgo ${test-svg} is likely used to run the svgo (SVG Optimizer) tool on the file specified by the variable test-svg.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • svgo: This is the command to run the svgo tool. svgo is a command-line tool used to optimize SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files to reduce their size and improve performance.
  • ${test-svg}: This is a placeholder variable that represents the file name or path of the SVG file you want to optimize. The exact value of this variable would depend on how it is defined and where the SVG file is located.

By running this command, the svgo tool will be executed on the specified SVG file, applying various optimization techniques to reduce its file size while preserving its visual quality. The optimized SVG file will typically have a smaller file size, making it quicker to load and reducing bandwidth consumption.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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