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svgr: Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory without generating an index file.
$ svgr --out-dir ${path-to-output_directory} --no-index ${path-to-input_directory}
try on your machine

This command runs the svgr package and performs SVG optimization and conversion. Here is the breakdown of each flag and argument used:

  • svgr: This is the command to run the svgr package, which is a tool for transforming SVG files into React components.

  • --out-dir ${path-to-output_directory}: This flag specifies the desired directory path where the converted React components will be saved. Replace ${path-to-output_directory} with the actual path of the directory. For example, if you want the output folder to be named output, you would replace ${path-to-output_directory} with output.

  • --no-index: This flag means that an index.js file will not be generated in the output directory. The index.js file usually exports all the converted React components. If you include this flag, the index.js file will be omitteed.

  • ${path-to-input_directory}: This argument represents the path to the directory containing the SVG files you want to convert. Replace ${path-to-input_directory} with the actual path of the directory. For example, if your SVG files are located in a folder named input, you would replace ${path-to-input_directory} with input.

Overall, this command takes the SVG files present in the input directory, converts them into React components, and saves them in the specified output directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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