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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool svgr. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SVGR is a popular command line tool for transforming SVG files into React components. With SVGR, you can convert SVG images into JSX code that can be directly imported and used in your React applications. It aims to simplify the process of working with SVGs in React.

The tool offers numerous customization options, allowing you to optimize and control the output of the generated React components. You can configure SVGR to apply various transformations such as converting attributes to props, removing unnecessary tags, or adjusting CSS styles.

SVGR supports different use cases and can handle complex SVG files with nested elements, groups, or paths. It also provides support for advanced SVG features like viewBox, gradients, or masks.

The command line tool is highly flexible and can be integrated into various build processes or task runners. It enables automation and smooth integration with your development workflow.

SVGR is open-source and actively maintained by a community of developers, making it constantly evolving and up-to-date with the latest technologies and requirements.

It offers a simple and intuitive command line interface, allowing you to convert SVG files into React components with just a single command.

The tool has an extensive documentation and a vibrant community, providing tutorials, examples, and support for beginners and experienced developers alike.

SVGR is lightweight and efficient, ensuring fast conversions and minimal impact on your development process.

It is widely used in the React ecosystem and has gained a strong reputation for its reliability and performance.

Overall, SVGR is a powerful command line tool that simplifies the process of working with SVGs in React, providing developers with a convenient and efficient way to convert SVG files into React components.

List of commands for svgr:

  • svgr:tldr:0f0e7 svgr: Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory skipping already transformed files.
    $ svgr --out-dir ${path-to-output_directory} --ignore-existing ${path-to-input_directory}
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  • svgr:tldr:5f6fe svgr: Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory without generating an index file.
    $ svgr --out-dir ${path-to-output_directory} --no-index ${path-to-input_directory}
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  • svgr:tldr:a1373 svgr: Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory using a specific case for filenames.
    $ svgr --out-dir ${path-to-output_directory} --filename-case ${select} ${path-to-input_directory}
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  • svgr:tldr:da901 svgr: Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory.
    $ svgr --out-dir ${path-to-output_directory} ${path-to-input_directory}
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