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svgr: Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory using a specific case for filenames.
$ svgr --out-dir ${path-to-output_directory} --filename-case ${select} ${path-to-input_directory}
try on your machine

The command you provided utilizes the svgr tool, which is used for transforming SVG files into React components. Here is the breakdown of the command:

svgr: This is the command itself that initiates the svgr tool.

--out-dir ${path-to-output_directory}: This option specifies the directory where the generated React components will be saved. ${path-to-output_directory} should be replaced with the actual path to the desired output directory.

--filename-case ${select}: This option determines the case style for the generated component file names. ${select} should be replaced with one of the following values: pascal, param, camel, or none.

  • pascal: Converts filenames to PascalCase (e.g., ExampleComponent).
  • param: Converts filenames to kebab-case (e.g., example-component).
  • camel: Converts filenames to camelCase (e.g., exampleComponent).
  • none: Retains the original filenames.

${path-to-input_directory}: This specifies the path to the directory where your input SVG files are located. Replace ${path-to-input_directory} with the actual path.

So, when you execute this command, svgr will read the SVG files within ${path-to-input_directory}, convert them into React components, and save the resulting components in the output directory specified by ${path-to-output_directory}. The filenames of the generated components will be modified according to the case style specified by ${select}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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