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svn: Show detailed help.
$ svn help
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The "svn help" command is used to display the help information and provide assistance on how to use the Subversion (SVN) command-line client.

When the "svn help" command is executed in the command line, it will present a list of available SVN commands and common options. The help information for each command can be accessed by appending the command name after "svn help". For example, "svn help checkout" will show the help information specifically for the "checkout" command.

The help information typically includes a brief description of the command, the syntax or usage pattern, available options and their descriptions, and sometimes examples or additional notes.

Using "svn help" is useful to understand the available SVN commands, their purpose, and how to correctly use them. If you are unsure about how to use a particular SVN command or need clarification on its options, "svn help" can provide you with the necessary information to proceed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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