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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool svn. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SVN, also known as Subversion, is a command line tool widely used for version control of files and directories. It was created to overcome the limitations of its predecessor, CVS.

  1. SVN efficiently manages changes to files and directories over time, allowing users to track revisions and keep a history of changes.
  2. It offers a centralized approach, where a single server stores the repository, and multiple users can access and modify the files within it.
  3. SVN provides excellent support for branching and merging, enabling collaboration among multiple developers working on the same project.
  4. It allows for atomic commits, meaning that either all changes in a commit are applied, or none at all, ensuring data integrity.
  5. SVN provides extensive logging and tracking capabilities, allowing users to view the history of every change made to a file or directory.
  6. The command line interface of SVN offers a powerful and flexible way to interact with the repository, allowing users to perform various operations like checkout, commit, update, and resolve conflicts.
  7. It supports a variety of network protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, and SVN's own custom protocol (svn://), allowing for convenient remote access to repositories.
  8. SVN offers a robust authentication and authorization system, allowing administrators to manage user access rights, ensuring secure collaboration.
  9. It integrates seamlessly with various IDEs and text editors, providing developers with an easy and efficient way to work with their codebase.
  10. SVN is an open-source tool, making it freely available for use and customizable as per specific requirements.

List of commands for svn:

  • svn-changelist:tldr:30c6d svn-changelist: Commit a changelist.
    $ svn commit --changelist ${changelist_name}
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  • svn-changelist:tldr:8eb63 svn-changelist: Remove files from a changelist.
    $ svn changelist --remove ${filename1} ${filename2}
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  • svn-changelist:tldr:c0098 svn-changelist: Add the contents of a space-separated list of directories to a changelist.
    $ svn changelist --recursive ${changelist_name} ${path-to-directory1} ${path-to-directory2}
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  • svn-changelist:tldr:dabc5 svn-changelist: Remove the whole changelist at once.
    $ svn changelist --remove --recursive --changelist ${changelist_name} .
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  • svn-changelist:tldr:eaa8f svn-changelist: Add files to a changelist, creating the changelist if it does not exist.
    $ svn changelist ${changelist_name} ${filename1} ${filename2}
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  • svn:tldr:06862 svn: Show detailed help.
    $ svn help
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  • svn:tldr:0eb34 svn: Bring changes from the repository into the working copy.
    $ svn up
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  • svn:tldr:6456a svn: Display changes from the last 10 revisions, showing modified files for each revision.
    $ svn log -vl ${10}
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  • svn:tldr:c0ccb svn: Put files and directories under version control, scheduling them for addition to repository. They will be added in next commit.
    $ svn add ${PATH}
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  • svn:tldr:c5ba3 svn: Send changes from your working copy to the repository.
    $ svn ci -m ${commit_log_message} [${PATH}]
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  • svn:tldr:e3ad5 svn: Check out a working copy from a repository.
    $ svn co ${url-to-repository}
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tool overview