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svn: Check out a working copy from a repository.
$ svn co ${url-to-repository}
try on your machine

The command "svn co ${url-to-repository}" is used to perform a checkout operation in SVN (Subversion).

SVN is a version control system used for managing and tracking changes to files and directories. The "co" in the command stands for "checkout," which allows you to create a local working copy of a repository.

The "${url-to-repository}" represents the URL or address of the repository you want to work with. This can be a remote repository hosted on a server or a local repository on your computer.

By running this command, SVN will connect to the specified repository and download a copy of the repository files to your local machine, creating a working copy. This working copy can then be modified, committed, and updated as necessary while maintaining the version history and allowing collaboration with other users.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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