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swagger-codegen: Generate Java code using the library retrofit2 and the option useRxJava2.
$ swagger-codegen generate -i ${http:--petstore-swagger-io-v2-swagger-json} -l ${java} --library ${retrofit2} -D${useRxJava2}=${true}
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This command is using the Swagger Codegen tool to generate a Java client library from a Swagger API definition file for the Petstore API. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • swagger-codegen generate: This is the command to generate code using Swagger Codegen.
  • -i ${http:--petstore-swagger-io-v2-swagger-json}: This flag specifies the input file for the Swagger specification. In this case, the value is ${http:--petstore-swagger-io-v2-swagger-json}, which is likely a placeholder for the actual URL of the Swagger JSON file.
  • -l ${java}: This flag specifies the target language for code generation. In this case, it's set to ${java}, indicating that the generated code should be in Java.
  • --library ${retrofit2}: This flag specifies the library to be used for code generation. In this case, the value is ${retrofit2}, indicating that the Retrofit2 library will be used.
  • -D${useRxJava2}=${true}: This flag passes an additional parameter to the template for code generation. In this case, the parameter being set is ${useRxJava2} with a value of ${true}. The usage and purpose of this parameter would depend on the specific template being used by Swagger Codegen. It could potentially enable or configure the usage of RxJava2 for handling asynchronous operations in the generated code.

Overall, this command instructs Swagger Codegen to generate a Java client library from the provided Swagger API definition, using Retrofit2 as the library for HTTP communication, and potentially enabling the usage of RxJava2 for asynchronous operations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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