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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool swagger-codegen. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Swagger Codegen is a command-line tool used for generating client libraries, server stubs, and API documentation from Swagger/OpenAPI definition files. It simplifies the development process by automatically generating code in various programming languages, reducing manual coding efforts.

The tool supports a wide range of languages, including Java, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, C#, and many more, making it flexible for developers working across multiple languages and platforms.

Swagger Codegen takes input as a Swagger/OpenAPI definition file, which describes the API endpoints, request/response schemas, authorization mechanisms, and other details. It then processes this file and generates code that can be used to interact with the API programmatically.

Apart from generating client libraries and server stubs, Swagger Codegen can also generate API documentation in various formats, such as HTML, Markdown, and PDF. This documentation provides detailed information about the API endpoints, request/response formats, and any other relevant documentation specified in the Swagger file.

The generated code follows the best practices and conventions of the target language, making it easier for developers to integrate it into their projects. It includes methods and classes specific to the API endpoints, making it easy to interact with the API using familiar programming techniques.

Customization is a key feature of Swagger Codegen. Developers can extend the code generation templates by providing their own templates or modifying the existing ones, allowing them to tailor the generated code to specific requirements or internal conventions.

Swagger Codegen is an open-source project, maintained by the Swagger/OpenAPI community. This means that it benefits from regular updates, bug fixes, and contributions from a large user base, ensuring its compatibility with the latest versions of Swagger/OpenAPI specifications.

The tool can be used as part of the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, enabling automated code generation and deployment whenever the Swagger definition file is updated.

Swagger Codegen also supports integrations with various frameworks and build systems, such as Maven, Gradle, and Spring Boot, making it easy to incorporate into existing development workflows.

Overall, Swagger Codegen is a powerful command-line tool that simplifies API development by generating client libraries, server stubs, and API documentation directly from Swagger/OpenAPI definition files, saving time and effort for developers.

List of commands for swagger-codegen:

  • swagger-codegen:tldr:06acf swagger-codegen: Generate documentation and code from an OpenAPI/swagger file.
    $ swagger-codegen generate -i ${swagger_file} -l ${language}
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  • swagger-codegen:tldr:5bbe2 swagger-codegen: Generate Java code using the library retrofit2 and the option useRxJava2.
    $ swagger-codegen generate -i ${http:--petstore-swagger-io-v2-swagger-json} -l ${java} --library ${retrofit2} -D${useRxJava2}=${true}
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  • swagger-codegen:tldr:82e10 swagger-codegen: Display help options for the generate command.
    $ swagger-codegen help ${generate}
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  • swagger-codegen:tldr:f110b swagger-codegen: List available languages.
    $ swagger-codegen langs
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