List of commands for swig:
swig:tldr:5be1e swig: Generate a binding between C++ and Go.$ swig -go -cgo -intgosize 64 -c++ ${path-to-swig_file-i}try on your machineexplain this command
swig:tldr:73388 swig: Generate a binding between C and Java.$ swig -java ${path-to-swig_file-i}try on your machineexplain this command
swig:tldr:ac662 swig: Generate a binding between C++ and Python.$ swig -c++ -python -o ${path-to-output_wrapper-cpp} ${path-to-swig_file-i}try on your machineexplain this command
swig:tldr:e38b5 swig: Generate a binding between C and Ruby and prefix the Ruby module with {{foo::bar::}}.$ swig -ruby -prefix "${foo::bar::}" ${path-to-swig_file-i}try on your machineexplain this command