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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool swig. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SWIG, which stands for Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator, is an open-source command line tool used for automatically generating interfaces between higher-level programming languages and lower-level libraries written in C and C++. Developed by Dave Beazley, SWIG enables developers to create language bindings for various programming languages such as Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, Perl, and many more.

The primary purpose of SWIG is to facilitate the interoperability between different programming languages by generating code that acts as a bridge between them. It essentially generates wrapper code that allows the functions and classes in the C/C++ library to be accessed and utilized in the target language of choice.

SWIG is highly customizable and offers a range of features to control the generated interface, including support for complex data types, runtime type checking, cross-language inheritance, and shadow classes. It also provides options for extending and modifying the generated code through user-defined typemaps and director classes.

Using SWIG involves creating an interface definition file, typically written in SWIG's own interface description language, which outlines the desired bindings. The tool then processes this file to generate the necessary wrapper code. It can handle both simple and complex interfaces, adapting to the requirements of the target language.

SWIG boasts broad language support, making it a popular choice for developers working on projects that require integration between different languages. It eases the integration process by automating the generation of interface code, thereby saving development time and effort.

Overall, SWIG is a powerful command line tool that simplifies the tasks of creating language bindings and generating interfaces between C/C++ libraries and various programming languages. It bridges the gap between different languages, allowing developers to leverage existing C/C++ libraries and utilize them within their preferred programming environment.

List of commands for swig:

  • swig:tldr:5be1e swig: Generate a binding between C++ and Go.
    $ swig -go -cgo -intgosize 64 -c++ ${path-to-swig_file-i}
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  • swig:tldr:73388 swig: Generate a binding between C and Java.
    $ swig -java ${path-to-swig_file-i}
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  • swig:tldr:ac662 swig: Generate a binding between C++ and Python.
    $ swig -c++ -python -o ${path-to-output_wrapper-cpp} ${path-to-swig_file-i}
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  • swig:tldr:e38b5 swig: Generate a binding between C and Ruby and prefix the Ruby module with {{foo::bar::}}.
    $ swig -ruby -prefix "${foo::bar::}" ${path-to-swig_file-i}
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