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sysbench: Run a filesystem-level benchmark.
$ sysbench --file-test-mode=${select} fileio run
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The command you provided is a sysbench command with the goal of running file operations using the fileio test mode.

sysbench is a versatile benchmarking tool that can be used to measure the performance of various system components, including CPU, memory, threads, and file input/output (I/O).

In this particular command, the file-test-mode is specified using the variable ${select}. The value of ${select} should be replaced with the desired file test mode before executing the command.

The file-test-mode is a parameter that defines the type of file I/O operations to be performed during the test run. Some commonly used modes include:

  1. seqwr: Sequential write - performs sequential write operations on the file.
  2. seqrd: Sequential read - reads the file sequentially.
  3. seqrewr: Sequential rewrite - rewrites the file sequentially.
  4. rndrd: Random read - performs random read operations on the file.
  5. rndwr: Random write - performs random write operations on the file.
  6. rndrw: Random read and write - combines random read and write operations.

After specifying the file test mode, the "run" command is utilized to execute the sysbench file I/O test, which simulates the specified file operations and measures their performance.

In summary, the sysbench --file-test-mode=${select} fileio run command is used to run file I/O operations using the specified file test mode.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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