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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sysbench. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Sysbench is a command-line tool used for benchmarking and stress testing various system components. It is designed to evaluate the performance and stability of CPU, memory, file I/O, scheduling, database engines, and more.

Sysbench provides a modular architecture and allows users to select specific tests based on their requirements. It supports both OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) workloads, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

The tool generates synthetic workloads that mimic real-world scenarios, enabling users to gauge system performance under different conditions. It allows the configuration of the workload intensity, duration, and number of threads, providing flexibility for testing.

Sysbench can be used to evaluate database engines like MySQL and MariaDB, allowing users to measure transaction rates, query execution time, and other performance metrics. It also supports stress testing for multi-threaded applications.

The command-line interface of Sysbench makes it suitable for automated testing and scripting. It provides detailed reports on performance metrics such as transactions per second, latency, CPU usage, and memory consumption.

Sysbench has an active user community and is supported on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, making it accessible for a wide range of users.

The tool is open source and is regularly updated by its developers to introduce new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.

Sysbench can be installed easily using package managers like apt, yum, or Homebrew, simplifying its setup process.

Given its versatility and comprehensive testing capabilities, Sysbench is a popular choice among system administrators, database administrators, performance engineers, and developers.

Overall, sysbench is a powerful and versatile command-line tool that enables users to evaluate system performance, stress-test applications, and benchmark database engines, providing valuable insights into their performance capabilities and limitations.

List of commands for sysbench:

  • sysbench:tldr:17572 sysbench: Run a CPU benchmark with multiple threads for a specified time.
    $ sysbench --threads=${number_of_threads} --time=${seconds}
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  • sysbench:tldr:4f954 sysbench: Run a memory benchmark with 1 thread for 10 seconds.
    $ sysbench memory run
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  • sysbench:tldr:55638 sysbench: Prepare a filesystem-level read benchmark.
    $ sysbench fileio prepare
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  • sysbench:tldr:dd828 sysbench: Run a CPU benchmark with 1 thread for 10 seconds.
    $ sysbench cpu run
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  • sysbench:tldr:ec258 sysbench: Run a filesystem-level benchmark.
    $ sysbench --file-test-mode=${select} fileio run
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tool overview