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List of commands for system:

  • system:cpu:usage Displays CPU usage as a percentage in Linux
    $ top -b -n 1 | grep '%Cpu' | awk '{print $2}'
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  • system:date:set Sets the system date and time to the specified value. Format: yy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss.
    $ date -s '${year}-${month}-${day} ${hour}:${minute}:${second}'
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  • system:disk:free Displays the amount of disk space occupied and available on the file system in human-readable format.
    $ df -h
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  • system:log:follow:multiple The command 'tail -f' is used to continuously monitor logs and display any new changes.
    $ tail -f ${path_to_main_directory}/**/*.log
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  • system:memory:usage Displays the memory usage in megabytes (MB)
    $ free -m
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  • system:processes:list Lists all processes running on the system in a detailed format.
    $ ps -aux
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