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tailscale: Display a shareable identifier to help diagnose issues.
$ tailscale bugreport
try on your machine

The command "tailscale bugreport" is a command used in the Tailscale software to generate a bug report for troubleshooting purposes. Tailscale is a virtual private network (VPN) software that allows secure communication between devices and networks.

When the "tailscale bugreport" command is executed, it collects various diagnostic information and generates a detailed report containing system logs, network configurations, and other relevant data. This bug report helps developers or support teams in identifying and resolving any issues or bugs encountered by the user.

The bug report is typically saved to a file, and it may include information such as system specifications, Tailscale and network settings, logs of network activity, and error messages. This comprehensive report helps users provide all necessary details when reporting a problem, making it easier for developers to reproduce and understand the issue better, leading to quicker resolutions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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