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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool tailscale. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Tailscale is a command line tool that provides a secure network connection among computers and devices. It uses a virtual private network (VPN) protocol to establish encrypted tunnels between devices, ensuring data remains private and protected.

With Tailscale, users can easily connect devices across networks, allowing for seamless and secure communication. It supports Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android operating systems, making it highly versatile.

The tool creates a virtual network overlay on top of existing networks, enabling devices to connect to each other directly without firewall or routing configuration. This simplifies network setups and eliminates the need for complex network configuration.

Tailscale uses WireGuard, a modern and efficient VPN protocol, for secure and fast communication. Its simple command line interface makes it user-friendly and easy to use, even for those with minimal technical expertise.

Tailscale provides a central management console that allows users to manage and monitor connected devices, enabling administrators to have better control over network traffic and user access.

The tool also supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security, ensuring only authorized users can access the network.

With its seamless integration with various platforms and secure communication channels, Tailscale is particularly useful for remote or distributed teams who need to establish secure network connections for collaboration and file sharing.

Tailscale operates on a peer-to-peer model, enabling direct communication between devices without the need for a central server, making it efficient and reducing latency.

The tool offers end-to-end encryption, ensuring data remains private from the point of origin to the destination, safeguarding sensitive information.

Tailscale's open-source nature allows users to review its code and contribute to its development, ensuring transparency and security.

List of commands for tailscale:

  • tailscale-file:tldr:17bd0 tailscale-file: Send a file to a specific node.
    $ sudo tailscale file cp ${filename} ${select}:
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  • tailscale-file:tldr:8c61d tailscale-file: Store files that were sent to the current node into a specific directory.
    $ sudo tailscale file get ${path-to-directory}
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  • tailscale-ssh:tldr:1d8e2 tailscale-ssh: SSH to a specific host which has Tailscale-SSH enabled.
    $ tailscale ssh ${username}@${host}
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  • tailscale-ssh:tldr:59df1 tailscale-ssh: Advertise/Disable SSH on the host.
    $ sudo tailscale up --ssh=${select}
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  • tailscale-up:tldr:0be10 tailscale-up: Connect and configure Tailscale as a subnet router.
    $ sudo tailscale up --advertise-routes=${10-0-0-0-24},${10-0-1-0-24}
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  • tailscale-up:tldr:1566f tailscale-up: Reset unspecified settings to their default values and connect.
    $ sudo tailscale up --reset
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  • tailscale-up:tldr:200a6 tailscale-up: Connect to Tailscale.
    $ sudo tailscale up
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  • tailscale-up:tldr:242d2 tailscale-up: Connect and accept subnet routes from Tailscale.
    $ sudo tailscale up --accept-routes
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  • tailscale-up:tldr:299b9 tailscale-up: Connect using a specific node for internet traffic.
    $ sudo tailscale up --exit-node=${exit_node_ip}
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  • tailscale-up:tldr:55b25 tailscale-up: Connect and block incoming connections to the current node.
    $ sudo tailscale up --shields-up
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  • tailscale-up:tldr:b7818 tailscale-up: Connect and don't accept DNS configuration from the admin panel (defaults to `true`).
    $ sudo tailscale up --accept-dns=${false}
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  • tailscale-up:tldr:f5ea6 tailscale-up: Connect and offer the current machine to be an exit node for internet traffic.
    $ sudo tailscale up --advertise-exit-node
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  • tailscale:tldr:1b941 tailscale: Analyze the local network conditions and display the result.
    $ tailscale netcheck
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  • tailscale:tldr:77f93 tailscale: Display a shareable identifier to help diagnose issues.
    $ tailscale bugreport
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  • tailscale:tldr:809bc tailscale: Display the current Tailscale IP addresses.
    $ tailscale ip
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  • tailscale:tldr:80f64 tailscale: Display help for a subcommand.
    $ tailscale ${subcommand} --help
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  • tailscale:tldr:8fb3d tailscale: Start a web server for controlling Tailscale.
    $ tailscale web
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  • tailscale:tldr:b6708 tailscale: Disconnect from Tailscale.
    $ sudo tailscale down
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  • tailscale:tldr:c9e32 tailscale: Ping a peer node at the Tailscale layer and display which route it took for each response.
    $ tailscale ping ${select}
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tool overview