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tailscale: Start a web server for controlling Tailscale.
$ tailscale web
try on your machine

The command "tailscale web" is a command-line instruction used in the Tailscale virtual network software. Tailscale is a software that helps establish secure and private networks between various devices, regardless of their physical location.

When you run the "tailscale web" command, it starts a local web server on your device. This web server allows you to access the Tailscale control panel through your web browser. The control panel provides you with an interface that lets you manage and configure your Tailscale network.

By running the "tailscale web" command and accessing the Tailscale control panel through your web browser, you can perform tasks such as adding or removing devices, managing network permissions and settings, and viewing network activity.

This command is particularly useful if you want to access the Tailscale control panel on a device without a graphical user interface or if you prefer a browser-based interface for managing your Tailscale network.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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