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tailscale: Disconnect from Tailscale.
$ sudo tailscale down
try on your machine

The command "sudo tailscale down" is used to shut down the Tailscale networking software.

Tailscale is a peer-to-peer VPN (Virtual Private Network) solution that allows secure communication and connectivity between devices over the internet. It creates a mesh network, enabling devices to directly communicate with each other as if they were on the same local network.

When you run the "sudo tailscale down" command with superuser privileges (sudo), it stops and shuts down the Tailscale service running on your device. This means that your device will no longer be connected to the Tailscale network, and any communication or connectivity that relies on Tailscale will be interrupted.

It is important to note that this command can only be used if you have Tailscale installed and running on your device. If you do not have Tailscale installed or running, running this command will not have any effect.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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