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tc: Change traffic control rule.
$ tc qdisc change dev ${eth0} root netem ${policy} ${policy_parameters}
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This command is used to change the network traffic control (tc) queueing discipline (qdisc) configuration on a specified network interface.

Here's the breakdown of the elements:

  • ${eth0}: This is a placeholder for the network interface name (e.g., eth0). Replace it with the actual interface name you intend to configure.

  • root: Specifies the root qdisc, which is the base or parent qdisc that will be modified.

  • netem: This is the specific type of qdisc that will be used. "netem" stands for network emulator and is used for introducing delay, loss, or other various network impairments.

  • ${policy}: Placeholder for the desired netem policy to be applied. Examples of policies include "delay", "loss", "corrupt", etc. Replace it with your chosen policy.

  • ${policy_parameters}: Placeholder for the parameters specific to the chosen policy. These parameters could vary depending on the policy selected. For example, for a "delay" policy, the parameter could be "100ms" to introduce a 100 milliseconds delay. Replace it with the appropriate parameters for your chosen policy.

By executing this command with the correct values for the placeholders, you can modify the qdisc configuration to apply different network impairments or conditions on the specified network interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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