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tee: Print standard input to the terminal, and also pipe it into another program for further processing.
$ echo "example" | tee ${-dev-tty} | ${xargs printf "[%s]"}
try on your machine

This command accomplishes the following:

  1. echo "example": This part of the command outputs the string "example" to the standard output.

  2. |: The pipe symbol (|) is used to redirect the standard output of the previous command to the standard input of the next command.

  3. tee ${-dev-tty}: The tee command reads from standard input and writes to standard output and files simultaneously. ${-dev-tty} is a parameter expansion that refers to the current terminal device. Thus, this part of the command writes the input received from the previous command to both standard output and the terminal, effectively printing "example" to the terminal.

  4. |: Another pipe symbol is used to redirect the standard output of the previous command to the standard input of the next command.

  5. ${xargs printf "[%s]"}: The xargs command reads items from standard input, delimited by whitespace (default), and passes them as arguments to the provided command (in this case, printf "[%s]").

    printf "[%s]" is a command that formats and prints the arguments received. [%s] specifies the format to be used where %s represents a placeholder for the argument passed to printf. Therefore, this part of the command takes the input received from the previous command (which is "example"), formats it using printf and appends square brackets around it, resulting in the output "[example]".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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