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test-json: Test if a string JSON format.
$ Test-Json -Json '${json_to_test}'
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The command "Test-Json" is a PowerShell command used to test the validity of a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string.

In this specific command, "-Json" is a parameter that specifies the JSON string to be tested. The JSON string is denoted by '${json_to_test}', which is a placeholder that suggests you need to replace it with the actual JSON string you want to test.

Once you replace '${json_to_test}' with your JSON string, running this command will check if the provided JSON is valid. If the JSON is valid, the command is likely to return a success or true response. If the JSON is invalid, the command may return an error or false response, indicating that the JSON has some syntax errors or inconsistencies.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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