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test: Test if a directory does not exist.
$ test ! -d "${path-to-directory}"
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This command is a conditional check using the test command in a shell script. It checks if a specific directory, specified by ${path-to-directory}, does not exist in the file system.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • test: The test command is used to evaluate conditional expressions.
  • !: This is the logical not operator. It negates the result of the following expression.
  • -d: This is a test operator used to check if the following operand is a directory.
  • ${path-to-directory}: This is a variable holding the path to the directory that we want to check.

When this command is executed, it checks if the specified directory does not exist. If it doesn't exist, the command will return a non-zero exit status, indicating that the condition is true. If the directory exists, the command will return a zero exit status, indicating that the condition is false.

This command is commonly used in shell scripts to perform actions based on the existence or non-existence of certain directories. For example, it can be used to create a directory only if it doesn't already exist, or to skip executing a specific part of the script if a directory is already present.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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