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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool test. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"test" is a command line tool that is commonly used in UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems. It is primarily used to evaluate an expression or condition and return a Boolean value (true or false). The syntax for the "test" command is usually '[ expression ]', where the expression is a combination of various flags, operators, and operands.

The "test" command can be used to perform a wide range of operations, such as file tests, string comparisons, numeric value comparisons, and logical operations. For example, it can check if a file exists, if it is a directory or a regular file, if it has certain permissions, and so on.

The flags used with "test" can alter its behavior and provide more precise evaluations. Some commonly used flags include -d to check if a file is a directory, -f to check if a file exists and is a regular file, and -n to check if a string is not empty. There are many other flags available to cater to different testing needs.

The "test" command also supports a variety of operators, such as -eq (equal), -ne (not equal), -lt (less than), -gt (greater than), -le (less than or equal), and -ge (greater than or equal). These operators can be used to compare numeric values or evaluate string comparisons.

Additionally, "test" can be used in combination with other command line tools, such as "if" statements, in order to create more complex scripts and conditionals.

To see the evaluation result, "test" returns an exit status of 0 for true and 1 for false. This allows it to be integrated with shell scripting and used in decision-making processes.

As a versatile tool, "test" is commonly utilized in shell scripting, automation, and system administration, allowing users to perform conditional checks and make decisions based on those checks.

The "test" command can also be accessed with an equivalent alternative syntax, using the square bracket notation '[ expression ]'. This notation is commonly used and is essentially the same as using the "test" command.

Overall, "test" is a powerful and flexible command line tool that facilitates various evaluations and comparisons, contributing to efficient scripting and automation tasks in UNIX-based systems.

List of commands for test:

  • test:tldr:084ca test: Test if a file exists.
    $ test -f "${filename_or_directory}"
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  • test:tldr:89351 test: Test if a given variable is equal to a given string.
    $ test "${$MY_VAR}" == "${-bin-zsh}"
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  • test:tldr:c3fa6 test: Test if a directory does not exist.
    $ test ! -d "${path-to-directory}"
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  • test:tldr:d755c test: Test if a given variable is empty.
    $ test -z "${$GIT_BRANCH}"
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  • test:tldr:f4091 test: If A is true, then do B, or C in the case of an error (notice that C may run even if A fails).
    $ test ${condition} && ${echo "true"} || ${echo "false"}
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tool overview