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tex: Compile a DVI document, specifying an output directory.
$ tex -output-directory=${path-to-directory} ${source-tex}
try on your machine

This command is used to compile a TeX file (.tex) and specify the output directory where the resulting files should be stored. Here is a breakdown of the components:

  • tex: This is the command to run the TeX compiler, which processes the .tex file and produces various output files (such as .dvi, .log, .aux, etc.). It is commonly included in TeX distributions like TeX Live or MiKTeX.

  • -output-directory=${path-to-directory}: This option is used to specify the directory where the output files should be placed. ${path-to-directory} should be replaced with the path to the desired directory. For example, if you want the output files to be stored in a directory called "output" located in the same location as the source .tex file, you can use -output-directory=./output.

  • ${source-tex}: This is the path to the source .tex file that you want to compile. It should be replaced with the actual path to the file. For example, if your source file is named "document.tex" and is located in the current directory, you can use ./document.tex.

When you run this command, the TeX compiler will process the specified .tex file and place the resulting output files (such as .dvi or .log files) into the specified output directory instead of the current working directory.

Note: The actual syntax or options may vary slightly depending on the TeX distribution and the operating system you are using. The example provided assumes a Unix-like environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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