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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool tex. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


TeX is a typesetting system, developed by Donald Knuth, for creating high-quality documents. It is widely used in academia and industry, especially in the fields of mathematics, computer science, and physics.

Using the command line tool tex, users can create and format complex documents with precision and control over typographical details. It supports a wide range of document types, including articles, books, reports, and presentations.

One of the key features of TeX is its ability to handle mathematical equations and symbols seamlessly, allowing for the creation of beautifully typeset mathematical documents. It provides a robust set of macros and fonts specifically designed for mathematical typesetting.

TeX follows a markup language approach, where users write their documents using plain text files with specific commands and formatting directives. These files are then processed by the tex tool to generate the final output, usually in the form of PDF documents.

The tex tool provides extensive functionality for manipulating page layouts, cross-referencing, bibliography management, and index generation. It allows users to create professional-looking documents with table of contents, footnotes, figures, tables, and other formatting elements.

Despite its initially steep learning curve, TeX provides unmatched typographical quality and precision control. It is highly favored by professionals for its ability to produce aesthetically pleasing documents, especially when it comes to complex mathematical or technical writing.

TeX files can be easily version controlled using any version control system like Git or Subversion, allowing multiple users to collaborate on a document simultaneously.

The tex tool is highly extensible, allowing users to create custom document classes and macros or make use of numerous packages and add-ons contributed by the TeX community.

TeX is platform-independent, making it compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. Its widespread adoption and long-standing presence in the industry are testament to its reliability and versatility.

As a command line tool, tex can be easily integrated into automated build systems or used in conjunction with other tools to create sophisticated document workflows.

List of commands for tex:

  • tex:tldr:37c4b tex: Compile a DVI document, exiting on each error.
    $ tex -halt-on-error ${source-tex}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • tex:tldr:53cc1 tex: Compile a DVI document.
    $ tex ${source-tex}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • tex:tldr:9627a tex: Compile a DVI document, specifying an output directory.
    $ tex -output-directory=${path-to-directory} ${source-tex}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview