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List of commands for textutil:

  • textutil:tldr:075af textutil: Convert `foo.txt` into `foo.rtf`, using Times 10 for the font.
    $ textutil -convert ${rtf} -font ${Times} -fontsize ${10} ${path-to-foo-txt}
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  • textutil:tldr:399c8 textutil: Convert `foo.rtf` into `foo.html`.
    $ textutil -convert ${html} ${path-to-foo-rtf}
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  • textutil:tldr:60623 textutil: Load all RTF files in the current directory, concatenates their contents, and writes the result out as `index.html` with the HTML title set to "Several Files".
    $ textutil -cat ${html} -title "Several Files" -output ${path-to-index-html} *.rtf
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  • textutil:tldr:ab761 textutil: Display information about `foo.rtf`.
    $ textutil -info ${path-to-foo-rtf}
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