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theharvester: Save the output to two files in XML and HTML format.
$ theHarvester --domain ${domain_name} --source ${google} --file ${output_file_name}
try on your machine

The command you shared is using a tool called "theHarvester" to gather information from a specified domain using the Google search engine as a source, and then saving the results to an output file.

Let's break down the command further:

  • theHarvester: This is the name of the tool being used. As the name suggests, it is used for harvesting information.
  • --domain ${domain_name}: This option specifies the domain name from which to gather information. You need to replace ${domain_name} with the actual domain name you want to target. For example, --domain
  • --source ${google}: This option tells theHarvester to use Google as the source for gathering information. You need to replace ${google} with the actual source name. In this case, it should be --source google.
  • --file ${output_file_name}: This option specifies the file name in which the harvested information will be saved. You need to replace ${output_file_name} with the desired name of the output file. For example, --file output.txt.

Once you have replaced the placeholders with the appropriate values, you can execute the command to initiate the information gathering process. TheHarvester will then search for email addresses, subdomains, hosts, and other related information available through Google's search results for the specified domain.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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