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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool theHarvester. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


theHarvester is a powerful command-line tool used for reconnaissance and gathering information about a target. It is primarily designed to collect email addresses, subdomains, hostnames, virtual hosts, open ports, and employee names from various public sources.

The tool aims to help security professionals and ethical hackers in reconnaissance during vulnerability assessment or penetration testing. It can be valuable for social engineering, as it can gather information that can be exploited for targeted attacks.

theHarvester supports multiple search engines, including Google, Bing, PGP Public Key Servers, LinkedIn, Shodan, and more. It uses these search engines to extract relevant information related to the target domain or email address.

With proper usage of flags and options, users can specify the source of information, amount of data to be retrieved, and other search parameters. Additionally, it provides customization options, allowing users to modify the search queries to obtain more accurate results.

Apart from its standard functionality, theHarvester supports plugins that can extend its capabilities. These plugins allow users to gather information from additional sources such as Twitter, GitHub, and more.

Since theHarvester is a command-line tool, it can be easily integrated into scripting and automation workflows. This makes it useful for conducting large-scale information gathering tasks or for incorporating it into custom tools and frameworks.

Due to its ability to perform reconnaissance discreetly, theHarvester can be considered a valuable tool for both offensive and defensive purposes. It helps organizations identify potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

As with any reconnaissance tool, it is essential to use theHarvester responsibly, adhering to ethical guidelines and obtaining proper authorization whenever required.

theHarvester is an open-source tool, which means it benefits from a community of contributors who continually improve its functionality, fix bugs, and add new features.

List of commands for theHarvester:

  • theharvester:tldr:17121 theharvester: Save the output to two files in XML and HTML format.
    $ theHarvester --domain ${domain_name} --source ${google} --file ${output_file_name}
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  • theharvester:tldr:1d891 theharvester: Gather information on a domain using Google.
    $ theHarvester --domain ${domain_name} --source google
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  • theharvester:tldr:36e6d theharvester: Change the limit of results to work with.
    $ theHarvester --domain ${domain_name} --source ${google} --limit ${200}
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  • theharvester:tldr:5c785 theharvester: Gather information on a domain using multiple sources.
    $ theHarvester --domain ${domain_name} --source ${google,bing,crtsh}
    try on your machine
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  • theharvester:tldr:7bc3f theharvester: Output all available options.
    $ theHarvester --help
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview