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timeout: Run `sleep 10` and terminate it, if it runs for more than 3 seconds.
$ timeout ${3s} ${sleep 10}
try on your machine

The command:

timeout ${3s} ${sleep 10}

is a Unix/Linux command that combines the "timeout" command with the "sleep" command.

  • "timeout" is a command that allows you to run another command for a specified amount of time. It is commonly used to limit the execution time of a command.

  • "${3s}" is a variable that specifies the duration for the timeout. In this case, it is set to 3 seconds.

  • "${sleep 10}" is a command that simply pauses the execution for the specified number of seconds. In this case, it pauses for 10 seconds.

So, when you run the whole command, it will execute the "sleep 10" command, but it will be automatically terminated after 3 seconds due to the timeout specified.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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