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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool timeout. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Timeout is a command line tool used to execute a command and then terminate it after a specified amount of time. It is commonly used in scripting and automation tasks. The tool is available on most operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Timeout allows you to control the execution time of a command, preventing it from running indefinitely.

By specifying a duration in seconds, minutes, or hours, Timeout ensures that the command terminates after the given time frame. This helps in managing and controlling processes that might hang or take too long to complete. It is particularly useful when running potentially time-consuming tasks or when dealing with unresponsive or buggy programs.

Timeout can be combined with other commands or scripts, allowing you to create more complex workflows that involve timed operations. The tool also provides options to customize the exit codes returned upon termination, allowing for better error handling. Depending on the operating system, Timeout may offer additional features such as displaying a countdown timer or interrupting running processes forcefully. Overall, this command line tool is essential for controlling task execution time and improving automation workflows.

List of commands for timeout:

  • timeout:tldr:a3268 timeout: Run `sleep 10` and terminate it, if it runs for more than 3 seconds.
    $ timeout ${3s} ${sleep 10}
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  • timeout:tldr:b0862 timeout: Specify the signal to be sent to the command after the time limit expires. (By default, TERM is sent).
    $ timeout --signal ${INT} ${5s} ${sleep 10}
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