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tlmgr-check: Check for missing dependencies.
$ tlmgr check depends
try on your machine

The command tlmgr check depends is used in TeX Live Manager (tlmgr) to check the dependencies of installed packages in a TeX distribution.

In a TeX distribution, there are numerous packages available that provide different functionalities or features. These packages may depend on other packages or libraries to work correctly. The tlmgr check depends command allows you to verify whether the installed packages have all the necessary dependencies.

When you run this command, tlmgr scans the installed packages and compares them with the package database to identify any missing or outdated dependencies. If any dependencies are missing, tlmgr will inform you about them, allowing you to install the required packages to ensure the smooth functioning of your TeX distribution.

By regularly using the tlmgr check depends command, you can keep your TeX distribution up-to-date and ensure that all packages have the necessary dependencies for optimal performance.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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