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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool tlmgr. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


tlmgr is a command-line tool used in TeX Live, a popular distribution of the TeX typesetting system. It stands for "TeX Live Manager" and serves as a package manager for TeX Live. With tlmgr, users can install, update, and remove packages easily without the need for a graphical interface. It provides a command-line interface for managing all aspects of TeX Live, such as packages, fonts, and documentation.

Users can use tlmgr to perform various operations on packages like installing new packages, updating existing ones, or removing packages from the TeX Live installation. It also supports additional functionalities like listing available packages, searching for specific packages, or checking for updates.

tlmgr uses the TeX Catalogue, a comprehensive online resource, to provide metadata about packages, their dependencies, and other relevant information. It connects to the internet to download and install packages directly from the official TeX Live repositories.

The tool also supports multiple installation modes, such as a global installation for all users or a local installation restricted to the current user. Users can choose the appropriate mode based on their requirements and system privileges.

tlmgr provides extensive documentation and usage information through its built-in help system. Users can access detailed documentation and examples to understand and utilize the various features of tlmgr effectively.

Overall, tlmgr is a powerful and essential command-line tool for managing packages in TeX Live, allowing users to easily install, update, and remove packages to enhance their TeX typesetting workflow.

List of commands for tlmgr:

  • tldr-generate:tldr:0ddcc tldr-generate: Remake the configuration file using a local configuration file.
    $ tlmgr generate --localcfg ${local_configuration_file}
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  • tldr-generate:tldr:7dd95 tldr-generate: Remake the configuration file storing into a specific location.
    $ tlmgr generate --dest ${output_file}
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  • tldr-generate:tldr:ae420 tldr-generate: Run necessary programs after rebuilding configuration files.
    $ tlmgr generate --rebuild-sys
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  • tlmgr-backup:tldr:23c48 tlmgr-backup: Remove a backup of one or more packages.
    $ tlmgr backup clean ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • tlmgr-backup:tldr:66f15 tlmgr-backup: Make a backup of one or more packages.
    $ tlmgr backup ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • tlmgr-backup:tldr:732c4 tlmgr-backup: Make a backup to a custom directory.
    $ tlmgr backup ${package} --backupdir ${path-to-backup_directory}
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  • tlmgr-backup:tldr:c70f2 tlmgr-backup: Remove all backups.
    $ tlmgr backup clean --all
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  • tlmgr-backup:tldr:cd488 tlmgr-backup: Make a backup of all packages.
    $ tlmgr backup --all
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  • tlmgr-candidates:tldr:d03f1 tlmgr-candidates: List all available repositories from which a package can be installed.
    $ tlmgr candidates ${package}
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  • tlmgr-check:tldr:1c204 tlmgr-check: Check the consistency of the whole TeX Live installation.
    $ tlmgr check all
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  • tlmgr-check:tldr:2e115 tlmgr-check: Check the consistency of the whole TeX Live information in verbose mode.
    $ tlmgr check all -v
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  • tlmgr-check:tldr:492c1 tlmgr-check: Check if all files listed in the local TLPDB are present.
    $ tlmgr check files
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  • tlmgr-check:tldr:6d33b tlmgr-check: Check for missing dependencies.
    $ tlmgr check depends
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  • tlmgr-check:tldr:a68e2 tlmgr-check: Check if all TeX Live executables are present.
    $ tlmgr check executes
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  • tlmgr-check:tldr:d3765 tlmgr-check: Check for duplicate filenames in the runfiles sections.
    $ tlmgr check runfiles
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  • tlmgr-conf:tldr:58bac tlmgr-conf: Set a specific configuration option.
    $ tlmgr conf ${select} ${configuration_key} ${value}
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  • tlmgr-conf:tldr:64766 tlmgr-conf: Show all additional `texmf` trees.
    $ tlmgr conf auxtrees show
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  • tlmgr-conf:tldr:6885f tlmgr-conf: Disable the execution of system calls via `\write18`.
    $ tlmgr conf texmf ${shell_escape} ${0}
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  • tlmgr-conf:tldr:b7645 tlmgr-conf: Show only a specific configuration option.
    $ tlmgr conf ${select} ${configuration_key}
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  • tlmgr-conf:tldr:d3940 tlmgr-conf: Show the current `texmf`, `tlmgr`, or `updmap` configuration.
    $ tlmgr conf ${select}
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  • tlmgr-conf:tldr:d45b8 tlmgr-conf: Delete a specific configuration option.
    $ tlmgr conf ${select} --delete ${configuration_key}
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  • tlmgr-conf:tldr:f4581 tlmgr-conf: Show the current TeX Live configuration.
    $ tlmgr conf
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  • tlmgr-dump-tlpdb:tldr:12c14 tlmgr-dump-tlpdb: Dump the remote package database.
    $ tlmgr dump-tlpdb --remote
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  • tlmgr-dump-tlpdb:tldr:69ac9 tlmgr-dump-tlpdb: Dump the local package database.
    $ tlmgr dump-tlpdb --local
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  • tlmgr-dump-tlpdb:tldr:ad905 tlmgr-dump-tlpdb: Dump the local package database as JSON.
    $ tlmgr dump-tlpdb --local --json
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  • tlmgr-gui:tldr:02f6e tlmgr-gui: Start a GUI for `tlmgr`.
    $ sudo tlmgr gui
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  • tlmgr-gui:tldr:17568 tlmgr-gui: Start a GUI specifying the font and font size.
    $ sudo tlmgr gui -font "${helvetica 18}"
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  • tlmgr-gui:tldr:92a5a tlmgr-gui: Start a GUI setting a specific geometry.
    $ sudo tlmgr gui -geometry ${width}x${height}-${xpos}+${ypos}
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  • tlmgr-gui:tldr:b69a4 tlmgr-gui: Start a GUI passing an arbitrary X resource string.
    $ sudo tlmgr gui -xrm ${xresource}
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  • tlmgr-gui:tldr:c14b5 tlmgr-gui: Start a GUI specifying the foreground color.
    $ sudo tlmgr gui -foreground "${#0ef3bd}"
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  • tlmgr-gui:tldr:fb949 tlmgr-gui: Start a GUI specifying the background color.
    $ sudo tlmgr gui -background "${#f39bc3}"
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  • tlmgr-info:tldr:24516 tlmgr-info: List all available collections.
    $ tlmgr info collections
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  • tlmgr-info:tldr:54612 tlmgr-info: Show only specific information about a package.
    $ tlmgr info ${package_name} --data "${name},${category},${installed},${size},${depends},..."
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  • tlmgr-info:tldr:6f658 tlmgr-info: List all files contained in a specific package.
    $ tlmgr info ${package_name} --list
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  • tlmgr-info:tldr:74eef tlmgr-info: Show information about a specific package.
    $ tlmgr info ${package_name}
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  • tlmgr-info:tldr:82771 tlmgr-info: List all available schemes.
    $ tlmgr info scheme
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  • tlmgr-info:tldr:89952 tlmgr-info: Print all available packages as JSON encoded array.
    $ tlmgr info --json
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  • tlmgr-info:tldr:d32cf tlmgr-info: List all installed packages.
    $ tlmgr info --only-installed
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  • tlmgr-info:tldr:e2e87 tlmgr-info: List all available TeX Live packages, prefexing installed ones with `i`.
    $ tlmgr info
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  • tlmgr-install:tldr:040a0 tlmgr-install: Reinstall a package.
    $ sudo tlmgr install --reinstall ${package}
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  • tlmgr-install:tldr:b1489 tlmgr-install: Simulate installing a package without making any changes.
    $ tlmgr install --dry-run ${package}
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  • tlmgr-install:tldr:b644c tlmgr-install: Install a package and its dependencies.
    $ sudo tlmgr install ${package}
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  • tlmgr-install:tldr:c877c tlmgr-install: Install a package without its dependencies.
    $ sudo tlmgr install --no-depends ${package}
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  • tlmgr-install:tldr:d22eb tlmgr-install: Install a package from a specific file.
    $ sudo tlmgr install --file ${path-to-package}
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  • tlmgr-key:tldr:2c273 tlmgr-key: List all keys for TeX Live.
    $ tlmgr key list
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  • tlmgr-key:tldr:51352 tlmgr-key: Add a key from a specific file.
    $ sudo tlmgr key add ${path-to-key-gpg}
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  • tlmgr-key:tldr:a7db9 tlmgr-key: Remove a specific key by its ID.
    $ sudo tlmgr key remove ${key_id}
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  • tlmgr-option:tldr:20019 tlmgr-option: Print all TeX Live settings in JSON format.
    $ tlmgr option showall --json
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  • tlmgr-option:tldr:36a6a tlmgr-option: Show the value of a specific TeX Live setting.
    $ tlmgr option ${setting}
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  • tlmgr-option:tldr:969a8 tlmgr-option: List all TeX Live settings.
    $ tlmgr option showall
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  • tlmgr-option:tldr:c4c7b tlmgr-option: List all currently set Tex Live settings.
    $ tlmgr option show
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  • tlmgr-option:tldr:ff101 tlmgr-option: Modify the value of a specific TeX Live setting.
    $ tlmgr option ${setting} ${value}
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  • tlmgr-paper:tldr:35b0b tlmgr-paper: List all available paper sizes for a specific TeX Live program.
    $ tlmgr ${pdftex} paper --list
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  • tlmgr-paper:tldr:75550 tlmgr-paper: Dump the default paper size used by all TeX Live programs in JSON format.
    $ tlmgr paper --json
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  • tlmgr-paper:tldr:81700 tlmgr-paper: Show the default paper size used by all TeX Live programs.
    $ tlmgr paper
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  • tlmgr-paper:tldr:b808e tlmgr-paper: Set the default paper size for a specific TeX Live program to A4.
    $ sudo tlmgr ${pdftex} paper ${a4}
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  • tlmgr-paper:tldr:ba339 tlmgr-paper: Set the default paper size for all TeX Live programs to A4.
    $ sudo tlmgr paper ${a4}
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  • tlmgr-path:tldr:32ca3 tlmgr-path: Remove symlinks to TeX Live files.
    $ sudo tlmgr path remove
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  • tlmgr-path:tldr:6c3c8 tlmgr-path: Add symlinks to TeX Live files.
    $ sudo tlmgr path add
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  • tlmgr-pinning:tldr:3cac4 tlmgr-pinning: Show the current pinning data.
    $ tlmgr pinning show
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  • tlmgr-pinning:tldr:cfb60 tlmgr-pinning: Pin the matching the packages to the given repository.
    $ tlmgr pinning add ${repository} ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • tlmgr-pinning:tldr:d6e38 tlmgr-pinning: Remove any packages recorded in the pinning file matching the packages for the given repository.
    $ tlmgr pinning remove ${repository} ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • tlmgr-pinning:tldr:efd1c tlmgr-pinning: Remove all pinning data for the given repository.
    $ tlmgr pinning remove ${repository} --all
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  • tlmgr-platform:tldr:21c13 tlmgr-platform: Remove the executables for a specific platform.
    $ sudo tlmgr platform remove ${platform}
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  • tlmgr-platform:tldr:3f75a tlmgr-platform: Add the executables for a specific platform.
    $ sudo tlmgr platform add ${platform}
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  • tlmgr-platform:tldr:45686 tlmgr-platform: Auto-detect and switch to the current platform.
    $ sudo tlmgr platform set ${auto}
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  • tlmgr-platform:tldr:45e86 tlmgr-platform: List all available platforms in the package repository.
    $ tlmgr platform list
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  • tlmgr-recreate-tlpdb:tldr:1ad7a tlmgr-recreate-tlpdb: Recreate the `texlive.tlpdb` database file and dump it to `stdout`.
    $ sudo tlmgr recreate-tlpdb
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  • tlmgr-remove:tldr:15bfb tlmgr-remove: Uninstall a package and back it up to a specific directory.
    $ sudo tlmgr remove --backupdir ${path-to-directory} ${package}
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  • tlmgr-remove:tldr:198b8 tlmgr-remove: Simulate uninstalling a package without making any changes.
    $ tlmgr remove --dry-run ${package}
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  • tlmgr-remove:tldr:2184b tlmgr-remove: Uninstall a TeX Live package.
    $ sudo tlmgr remove ${package}
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  • tlmgr-remove:tldr:c2291 tlmgr-remove: Uninstall a package without its dependencies.
    $ sudo tlmgr remove --no-depends ${package}
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  • tlmgr-remove:tldr:d0484 tlmgr-remove: Uninstall all of TeX Live, asking for confirmation.
    $ sudo tlmgr remove --all
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  • tlmgr-repository:tldr:3f301 tlmgr-repository: List all packages available in a specific repository.
    $ tlmgr repository list ${select}
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  • tlmgr-repository:tldr:622be tlmgr-repository: Set a new list of repositories, overwriting the previous list.
    $ sudo tlmgr repository set ${select}#${tag} ${select}#${tag} ${---}
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  • tlmgr-repository:tldr:90896 tlmgr-repository: Add a new repository with a specific tag (the tag is not required).
    $ sudo tlmgr repository add ${select} ${tag}
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  • tlmgr-repository:tldr:9f79e tlmgr-repository: Remove a specific repository.
    $ sudo tlmgr repository remove ${select}
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  • tlmgr-repository:tldr:a364b tlmgr-repository: Show the verification status of all configured repositories.
    $ tlmgr repository status
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  • tlmgr-repository:tldr:c52bf tlmgr-repository: List all configured repositories and their tags (if set).
    $ tlmgr repository list
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  • tlmgr-restore:tldr:0f69e tlmgr-restore: Restore a specific revision of a specific package.
    $ tlmgr restore ${package} ${revision}
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  • tlmgr-restore:tldr:3121d tlmgr-restore: Restore a package from a custom backup directory.
    $ tlmgr restore ${package} ${revision} --backupdir ${path-to-backup_directory}
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  • tlmgr-restore:tldr:69f93 tlmgr-restore: Perform a dry-run and print all taken actions without making them.
    $ tlmgr restore --dry-run ${package} ${revision}
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  • tlmgr-restore:tldr:822b3 tlmgr-restore: Restore the latest revision of all backed-up packages.
    $ tlmgr restore --all
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  • tlmgr-restore:tldr:ad0d7 tlmgr-restore: List all available backup revisions for all packages.
    $ tlmgr restore
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  • tlmgr-restore:tldr:c9b0a tlmgr-restore: List all available backup revisions for a specific package.
    $ tlmgr restore ${package}
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  • tlmgr-shell:tldr:8b9ef tlmgr-shell: Start an interactive shell of `tlmgr`.
    $ tlmgr shell
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  • tlmgr-update:tldr:0ac92 tlmgr-update: Update all packages, making a backup of the current packages.
    $ sudo tlmgr update --all --backup
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  • tlmgr-update:tldr:4e16a tlmgr-update: Update all TeX Live packages.
    $ sudo tlmgr update --all
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  • tlmgr-update:tldr:52bbe tlmgr-update: Update all except a specific package.
    $ sudo tlmgr update --all --exclude ${package}
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  • tlmgr-update:tldr:985fb tlmgr-update: Update a specific package.
    $ sudo tlmgr update ${package}
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  • tlmgr-update:tldr:ad603 tlmgr-update: Update tlmgr itself.
    $ sudo tlmgr update --self
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  • tlmgr-update:tldr:c9d13 tlmgr-update: Update a specific package without updating its dependencies.
    $ sudo tlmgr update --no-depends ${package}
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  • tlmgr:tldr:0d3f6 tlmgr: Show possible updates without updating anything.
    $ tlmgr update --list
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tool overview