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tlmgr-check: Check for duplicate filenames in the runfiles sections.
$ tlmgr check runfiles
try on your machine

The command "tlmgr check runfiles" is used to verify the integrity of TeX Live installation files. It performs a check on the run-time files (also known as runfiles), which are the files required for the proper functioning of TeX Live.

When the command is executed, tlmgr (TeX Live package manager) scans the runfiles and compares them against the checksums stored in the TeX Live database. If any discrepancies or corruptions are detected, tlmgr informs the user about the problematic files.

By running this command periodically, users can ensure that their TeX Live installation is intact and all necessary files are present and unaltered. It is especially useful after updating or modifying TeX Live, as it can help identify any issues that might have occurred during the process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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