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tlmgr-conf: Show all additional `texmf` trees.
$ tlmgr conf auxtrees show
try on your machine

The command "tlmgr conf auxtrees show" is used to display the current configuration of additional TeX Live package trees in the TeX Live Manager (tlmgr).

TeX Live is a comprehensive distribution of the TeX typesetting system, which includes a vast collection of packages and tools for document preparation. The TeX Live Manager (tlmgr) is a command-line utility that allows users to manage the installation and updating of TeX Live packages.

By default, tlmgr manages the main TeX Live package tree, which contains the official packages provided by the TeX Live project. However, tlmgr also supports the inclusion of additional package trees. These auxiliary trees can contain packages that are not part of the official TeX Live distribution.

The "tlmgr conf auxtrees show" command, specifically, is used to display the current configuration of these auxiliary package trees. It shows information such as the paths of the auxiliary trees and whether they are enabled or disabled.

In summary, this command provides an overview of the additional package trees that tlmgr is configured to manage, giving users insight into the setup of their TeX Live installation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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