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tlmgr-conf: Disable the execution of system calls via `\write18`.
$ tlmgr conf texmf ${shell_escape} ${0}
try on your machine

This command is using tlmgr, which is the package manager for TeX Live, to configure the texmf configuration file.

Here's a breakdown of the command arguments:

  • conf: This is the subcommand of tlmgr used for configuring TeX Live.
  • texmf: This specifies that the configuration being modified is related to the TeX Live texmf directory, which is the main directory where TeX related files are stored.
  • ${shell_escape}: This is a placeholder that is usually substituted with a value by the shell or script executing this command. It is commonly used to enable or disable shell escape feature, which allows TeX documents to execute external shell commands. The actual value would determine whether shell escape is enabled or disabled.
  • ${0}: This is another placeholder that usually gets replaced with the name of the script or command being executed. It is typically used to refer to the current script or command itself.

In summary, the tlmgr conf texmf ${shell_escape} ${0} command is instructing tlmgr to modify the configuration related to the texmf directory based on the values of ${shell_escape} and ${0}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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