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tlmgr-conf: Show only a specific configuration option.
$ tlmgr conf ${select} ${configuration_key}
try on your machine

The command 'tlmgr conf ${select} ${configuration_key}' is used in the TeX Live Manager (tlmgr) utility to configure settings for TeX Live.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • 'tlmgr': This is the command-line interface to manage TeX Live installations and packages. It allows you to install, update, remove, and configure various components of TeX Live.

  • 'conf': This is a subcommand of 'tlmgr' used to configure settings.

  • '${select}': This variable represents the configuration selection. It should be replaced with a specific selection key, such as 'paper', 'tlpdbopt', or 'repository'.

  • '${configuration_key}': This variable represents the configuration key. It should be replaced with a specific key related to the configuration selection, such as 'a4', 'file_reliability', or ''.

By running this command with the correct selection and key values, you can configure specific settings in your TeX Live installation. For example, 'tlmgr conf paper a4' sets the paper size to A4, and 'tlmgr conf repository' changes the repository URL to a custom mirror.

Make sure to consult the TeX Live documentation or specific package documentation to determine the available selection and configuration keys for the desired configuration changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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