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tlmgr-dump-tlpdb: Dump the local package database as JSON.
$ tlmgr dump-tlpdb --local --json
try on your machine

The command "tlmgr dump-tlpdb --local --json" is a command-line instruction that is used in the TeX Live Manager utility ("tlmgr") to generate a JSON representation of the TeX Live Package Database.

Here's a breakdown of the command's components:

  • "tlmgr": This is the executable command for the TeX Live Manager utility, which is used to manage packages and other aspects of TeX Live.

  • "dump-tlpdb": This is one of the subcommands of "tlmgr" that instructs it to generate a dump of the TeX Live Package Database.

  • "--local": This option tells "dump-tlpdb" to generate a dump of the local package database, rather than the global one. The local package database contains information about the packages installed on the current system.

  • "--json": This option specifies the format in which the dump should be generated. In this case, it is set to JSON, a popular data interchange format that represents data as a collection of key-value pairs.

By executing this command, the TeX Live Manager utility will create a JSON file containing information about the packages installed on the system, including their names, versions, dependencies, and various other attributes. This JSON representation of the package database can be useful for scripting, automation, or programmatic access to package information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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