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tlmgr-gui: Start a GUI setting a specific geometry.
$ sudo tlmgr gui -geometry ${width}x${height}-${xpos}+${ypos}
try on your machine

This command is a script command that utilizes the "sudo" command to execute the "tlmgr" command with the "gui" argument and additional parameters for the window geometry.

Here's the breakdown of the components in the command:

  • "sudo": It is a command used in Unix-like operating systems to run programs or scripts with administrative privileges, allowing users to perform tasks that require elevated permissions.
  • "tlmgr": It is a package management tool used in TeX Live, a popular typesetting system for producing documents with high-quality typography.
  • "gui": It is an argument for "tlmgr" that specifies the graphical user interface (GUI) mode for the package manager.

The following parameters specify the geometry and positioning of the GUI window:

  • "-geometry": It is an option used to set the size and position of a graphical window.
  • ${width}x${height}: It represents the desired width and height of the window in pixels. The values of "width" and "height" are variables that need to be defined with specific numeric values.
  • "${xpos}+${ypos}": It indicates the position of the window on the screen, where "xpos" and "ypos" are variables representing the X and Y coordinates, respectively, in pixels. These variables also need to be defined with appropriate values.

Overall, the command runs the TeX Live package manager in a graphical user interface mode with a specified window size and position, potentially requiring administrative privileges (due to "sudo") to perform certain package management actions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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