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tlmgr-info: List all files contained in a specific package.
$ tlmgr info ${package_name} --list
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This command queries information about a specific package using the TeX Live Manager (tlmgr) tool. Here's an explanation of each part of the command:

  • tlmgr: This is the executable command for TeX Live Manager. It is used to manage packages, updates, and other aspects of a TeX Live distribution.

  • info: This is one of the subcommands of tlmgr. It is used to retrieve information about a package.

  • ${package_name}: This is a placeholder for the name of the package you want to get information about. You need to replace ${package_name} with the actual name of the package you are interested in.

  • --list: This is an option that specifies the format of the information output. In this case, it requests the information to be displayed in a list format.

When you execute this command with the appropriate package name, tlmgr will search the TeX Live distribution for information about that package and display it in a list format. The information can include the version number, the package description, the maintainer's contact, and other relevant details.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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