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tlmgr-info: List all available schemes.
$ tlmgr info scheme
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The command "tlmgr info scheme" is used to retrieve information about the TeX Live package scheme. TeX Live is a comprehensive distribution of the TeX typesetting system and related packages for various operating systems.

Running the command "tlmgr info scheme" will display details about the TeX Live scheme, including the following information:

  1. Name: The name of the scheme, which is usually "scheme-full" for the full TeX Live installation.
  2. Category: The category to which the scheme belongs, such as "scheme-medium" or "scheme-small" for smaller installations.
  3. Collections: The collections included in the scheme. Collections are groups of related packages organized by functionality or purpose.
  4. Description: A brief description of the scheme and its contents.
  5. Installed size: The disk space required by the scheme when fully installed.
  6. Total size: The total disk space required by the scheme, including dependencies.

This information can be useful for users who want to know the packages included in a specific scheme or the disk space requirements before installing or updating TeX Live.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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