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tlmgr-info: List all available TeX Live packages, prefexing installed ones with `i`.
$ tlmgr info
try on your machine

The "tlmgr info" command is used in TeX Live, which is a comprehensive distribution of the TeX typesetting system. This command provides information about various aspects of the installed packages and the TeX Live installation itself.

When you run "tlmgr info", it will display details about the individual packages, including their name, version, description, and location. This information is retrieved from the TeX Live package database.

The output of this command includes information such as package size, dependencies, installation type (whether it was installed as a collection, scheme, or individual package), and the repository where the package is located. It can help you gather information about the packages installed on your system, such as whether they are up-to-date or if there are newer versions available.

Overall, "tlmgr info" is a useful command for exploring the properties and details of packages within TeX Live.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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