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tlmgr-key: Add a key from a specific file.
$ sudo tlmgr key add ${path-to-key-gpg}
try on your machine

The given command:

sudo tlmgr key add ${path-to-key-gpg}

executes the 'tlmgr' command with administrative privileges using 'sudo'. 'tlmgr' stands for TeX Live Manager, which is a package manager for TeX and LaTeX.

The purpose of this command is to add a key to the list of trusted GnuPG keys used by 'tlmgr'. GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is a free software encryption and digital signature utility.

In order to add a key, you need to provide the path to the GnuPG key file as the '${path-to-key-gpg}' argument. The placeholder '${path-to-key-gpg}' should be replaced with the actual path to the key file.

By adding a key, 'tlmgr' will trust and validate packages signed with that particular key. This helps to ensure the authenticity and integrity of packages downloaded and installed via 'tlmgr'.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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