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tlmgr-key: Add a key from `stdin`.
$ cat ${path-to-key-gpg} | sudo tlmgr key add -
try on your machine

This command involves the usage of two Linux commands, "cat" and "sudo tlmgr".

  • "cat" is a command-line utility that is used to concatenate and display the contents of files. In this command, it is used to read the contents of the file located at the specified path.

  • "${path-to-key-gpg}" is a placeholder that indicates the path to the GPG key file. It should be replaced with the actual path to the key file on your system.

  • The "|" symbol is a pipe that is used to redirect the output of the "cat" command as input to another command.

  • "sudo" is a command-line tool that allows executing commands with administrative or superuser privileges. It enables the "tlmgr" command to perform actions that require root access.

  • "tlmgr" is a command-line tool used for managing TeX Live packages and various settings. In this command, it is used with the "key add" option to add the GPG key from the specified file to the keyring used by TeX Live package manager.

So, when this command is executed, the "cat" command reads the contents of the GPG key file at the specified path and then redirects it as input to the "tlmgr" command using the pipe symbol. The "tlmgr" command, executed with superuser privileges using "sudo", then adds the GPG key to the keyring used by TeX Live package manager.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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