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tlmgr-paper: Dump the default paper size used by all TeX Live programs in JSON format.
$ tlmgr paper --json
try on your machine

The command "tlmgr paper --json" is used to retrieve information about the available paper sizes in TeX Live, a popular distribution of the TeX typesetting system.

In more detail, the command consists of:

  • "tlmgr": This is the command to interact with the TeX Live package manager. It is used to handle the installation, update, and maintenance of TeX Live packages.

  • "paper": This is a subcommand specific to tlmgr that deals with information related to paper sizes in TeX Live.

  • "--json": This option specifies the output format as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), a lightweight data interchange format commonly used in web applications. By including this option, the command will return the paper size information in JSON format instead of a human-readable format.

When you run the "tlmgr paper --json" command, TeX Live's package manager will gather information about the paper sizes available in the TeX Live distribution and present it in JSON format. The JSON output may include details such as the paper size codes, dimensions, and names.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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